Short poems kids

Short Poems for your children.

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Just like this flower, we’re going to grow
Come back soon.

God Hears

It's so simple and I believe it's true,
The Lord came down because he loves me and you.

And when I wake up or go to sleep at night,
I thank God that He is in my life.

So let's stop an think about His gift,
It's because of Him we all exist.

So don't worry and put your trust in Him,
Jesus came to save us from our sin.

You don't have to worry your prayers they will be heard,
Just like in the beginning there was just the word.

So when you wake up say a little prayer,
It's so good to know that He is there.

And He's listening as we go through our day,
God will hear everything we pray.

© 2010 Dave Moran